Monday, June 30, 2014

Type type type type away

Sometimes it feels like I just move my fingers on this keyboard as muscle memory in a way to get thoughts moving.  Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing.  I'm hoping a thought falls out at some point.

Today is like that.

I often choose to ignore writer's fatigue.  I just try to keep going.  I know what I want to work on next.  I remember working on the House of Cards spec and thinking, "I can't wait until I get to work on this next play.  And I sit here a bit paralyzed.

I am in my office, next to my friend and office partner Tim, who looks very productive over there.  Maybe I'm just sleepy.  I meditated this morning.  Isn't that supposed to help?  I'm listening to music.  I've been here for over an hour.  Shouldn't I have some inspiration by this point?

I have some great research I have been doing for the past week.  So that's good.  Lots of movies, books and articles.  The problem with the research is that it's all depressing.  Well, I guess that makes sense given the subject matter.

I was watching this Woody Allen documentary yesterday where someone said that the moment he finishes the edit on the previous film, he starts writing the next.  And I guess I kind of did that with the writing marathon I did for six weeks.  I took about a week to recover and then I started back up working on the next race.

It really is like a marathon.  You train for a marathon and then you finally run it.  Then you let your body recover for a few days and then go back and start back up training for the next one.  So it's

run run run run

instead of

type type type type

But the same concept.  Just keep going.

All right.  I'll try to take that advice.

I am grateful for marathon metaphors.
I am grateful for a weekend of watching movies.
I am grateful for art.
I am grateful for music that helps me.
I am grateful for my morning meditation.
I am grateful for the lights in this office that are keeping me awake.
I am grateful for the air conditioning in this office that is keeping me awake.
I am grateful for Tim's presence, which is keeping me awake.

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