Monday, June 2, 2014

It Happens All of the Time

I made this trip out to San Francisco for the weekend to get away.
My larger trip was to Santa Clara to support my friends and students on the work they've been doing.
So I was happily surprised when I realized my friend Krista was in town workshopping a new musical
she has been doing with high schoolers.  So I went to see that in Oakland.
Then I wanted to see the new Tony Kushner play in Berkeley, so I saw that.  There I ran into a classmate I haven't seen since I graduated college.  We had a drink.
Then I was in Oakland the following day to see my brother and his family, on the one day our paths crossed.
Afterward I had a tea with my friend Nick, a director who I've met at a couple of theatre festivals over the years.  I was in his neck of the woods, so it seemed to make sense that we meet up.  He had read one of my plays, which he really liked and had ideas for.  He also wanted to pass it on to a theatre he had started out in LA.  And we had a great conversation about diversity in the theatre, a conversation that we're both kind of exhausted by, yet it's a conversation that needs to be kept alive.
I'm having breakfast with a great college friend and her daughter this morning.
I'm having coffee with a former professor and current colleague after that.
Then lunch with a student whose show I'm going to tonight.
And before the show, I'm having a couple of beers with a former professor and soon to be head of the theatre department to catch up.
Then the show.

Things happen when you make them happen.  All of these conversations motivate me.  They  motivate the work.  They are writing.

I'm happy to have that time available to me.  Grateful, actually.

I am grateful for the great weekend I had.
I am grateful that I have the respect of my peers.
I am grateful that conversations are happening.
I am grateful for a good visit.
I am grateful for everything that today will bring.
I am grateful that I am taking care of myself and my process.

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