Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Turning Points

I have a monologue I've been commissioned to write about "turning points." I don't know exactly what I'm going to write about yet.

There have been a lot of turning points in my life.
I could write about realizing that I was gay.
I could write about going to visit my high school for the first time.
I could write about the crush I had on a guy in high school.
I could write about going to see Sandra Bernhard's "Without You I'm Nothing."
I could write about Madonna.

I think I need to write about something that's personal.

The theatre said that the monologues should be geared towards someone in their late teens through early 20s.

So do I write about a college turning point?
The moment I discovered I was a playwright?
Again, this all  seems to suggest some sort of coming out story.

I have to do some more thinking about that.
A turning point.
The moment I realized I wasn't going to have the life I thought I was going to have.

There are so many candidates for that moment.

I'm excited to get started on it as soon as I finish this spec script.

I did some work on it today.  I had a friend of mine in the office I've been working out of.  He came to visit.  It was a good thing.  We chatted about writing.  We hopefully inspired each other.

Conversation.  That's important when you're writing.  You need to be able to bounce ideas.

I am grateful for bouncing ideas.
I am grateful for ideas.
I am grateful for my own turning points.
I am grateful for inspiring friends.
I am grateful for not getting in my way.
I am grateful for all of the work I have been doing over the past six weeks.

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