Thursday, June 5, 2014

What's Next?

It's hard to think about what I have to finish because I'm already thinking about what's next.

I was asked twice today about what I'm working on next.

I have two plays that I'm dying to start.  I kind of want to work on them simultaneously.  One is really dark.  One is probably a bit lighter.  Both deal with high school age kids.  It's interesting that I'm not writing about adults, even though adults will obviously be in both plays.  One is clearly very topical.  The other is very autobiographical.

I think next week while I have the office still, I want to work on these projects.

But I also have the pilot and the play I have been writing this year so far to clean up.  It might be nice to spend the rest of this month doing that.

Then start on the new play in July.

That all might be pretty good.

But maybe I should use the remainder of time in this office on getting to some place on all of that work.  Just laying the ground work.  Not doing any actual writing, but doing some actual planning out and getting some ideas out while I have the space to do so.

Thinking about it…

I am grateful for this office.
I am grateful for a surplus of ideas.
I am grateful for more time.
I am grateful to be a working writer.

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