Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Office

I'm in an office typing away.
I have a door that closes and locks.
I have a courtyard outside when I need to take a break.
There are people around, so this place feels very productive.
At least the people around me are working.
I'm getting there.  Currently, listening to Adele.
But I'm getting to where I need to be.
I have a strict deadline this week because I'm leaving for SF on
Friday and I have a submission due the same day.
So I'm giving myself until Thursday to get this script written.
This office space could not have happened at a better time.
So I have three weeks in this space,
some of which I'll be up in San Francisco for.

But having an office allows me to treat my writing career
as a business.
Not only do I get the opportunity to feel what it would be like
to have a separate space to work,
but when I take phone calls,
when I send emails,
when I blog,
when I pay my bills,
it is from my office.
I am creating space for my work to happen.
I am creating space for my business life to happen.
I am going home and feeling like that is its own place
versus working from home
or working from the library
or Starbucks.
All of those things are good.
And I get a lot of work done in those spaces.
But this space
is great and I am treating it with the utmost respect.

It has even inspired me to set up meetings and phone calls
for work related endeavors
when I get back from SF.
This is all a part of the Universe telling me
that I should be working on my own terms
and I need to figure out how to make that happen
instead of just wishing upon a star.
Although, I did that this weekend when I was camping in Joshua Tree.
The entire night sky was like a patterned blanket
with dots and sparkles everywhere.
I could look the Universe directly in the face and proclaim what
I want completely uninterrupted by the Moon,
which was not showing up until 3:30 AM.
I had the Universe all to myself.

That paired with the work I have been doing
is what is behind this surge of energy.
I'm not opposed to the metaphysical.
The Universe is telling me directly that it is in support of what I'm doing.
It likes this productivity.
It is making that absolutely clear by presenting these wonderful opportunities
to keep going.
The Universe is making it clear that this is all leading somewhere.
I remember what was happening in the time before I got into
graduate school and there is a very similar thing going on here.
I have space to work,
time to work,
the ideas are there as well.
I also have the time to clear my head
and prepare my mental space for productivity.
The camping trip to Joshua Tree this weekend
was a welcome respite from all of the work I have been doing.
And you have to be good to yourself,
at all times.  You just do.
Treat Yo Self is my most recent mantra,
but I try to live by those words
as often as I can throughout the day.

I am grateful for this office, this space.
I am grateful for a boyfriend who I can relax around.
I am grateful for the generosity of friends, especially their generosity of spirit.
I am grateful that I am able to see the good things happening around me.
I am grateful that I am able to build upon those good things.
I am grateful for creation.
I am grateful for a sunny day.
I am grateful for bare feet and a full stomach.
I am grateful that I finished a pilot earlier this month.
I am grateful that I finished a play and had a reading of that play this month.
I am grateful that I had incredible writers and a wonderful director (ME) to make my vision happen.
I am grateful for Anastacia and old school jams.
I am grateful for breaks.
I am grateful for work.
I am grateful for people who get excited by my work.

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